Sheep Farming Industry of Carnarvon

Certified Karoo Lamb

As with most upper Northern Cape towns, Carnarvon is famous for its sheep farming industry, namely Dorper sheep and Merino sheep.

©Louise Brodie
The town of Carnarvon in the Northern Cape Province, consists mostly of sheep farming.

Here, in the sparse and arid environment, sheep thrive on farms dedicated to producing quality meat for suppliers in the area. Although the region has been drought-stricken for some time, farmers rely on feed like corn kernels and pellets, as well as Karoo shrubs to keep their herds of sheep plump and healthy.

As the town is one of the busiest farming centres in the Northern Karoo, their economy is mostly based on their sheep farming enterprises. Other farming includes small-scale endeavours like dairy (cheese making) and aloe farming.

One of the largest sheep meat suppliers in the Northern Cape is Karusaf, who specialise in packaging and distributing free range Karoo lamb from farms in Williston, Upington and of course, Carnarvon. They are Karoo Meat of Origin (KMOO) and Halaal certified, and operate from the nearby town of Williston.