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The Kruger Park Human Connection

...The Anopheles mosquito, some of which carry the malaria pathogen, is endemic to the area...

University of Cape Town

...  During the early years of the 20th century, the university established the Medical School, Engineering as well as the Education department. UCT officially received university status in 1918...

Lady Grey - Salomon SkyRun

...The events set off from Lady Grey, and the first 65 km of the route is the same for both races...

Visit the Wilderness

...This 3-4 hour trail starts at the petrol station and leads along the beach, over the railway tunnel, along the Kaaimans River and up a section of the original Kaaimansgat Wagon Pass onto the plateau which overlooks the town...

Xhosa Clans and Chiefdom

...Although the executive authority of the chiefdom ultimately rested with the chief's council rather than with the chief himself, the chief was nevertheless the figurehead, the father and bearer of the patronymic of the chiefdom...

Rock Art - Signs of the Past

...The reason for this is that the clan performed their trance dance close by and afterwards, once the shaman had returned to normal consciousness, the images of the trance were recorded on the rock face...

Climate Change: A Hotter South Africa

...The actual increase will vary between regions, with the interior of the country expected to warm more that the coast because of the moderating influence of the sea – for instance, the Northern Cape could see an increase of over 4.5°C...

The Namaqualand Anenous Pass

...the cars were tied together at the top of the Pass and allowed to coast all the way down to Port Nolloth, with a brakeman checking the speed...

The British Embark to the Cape

...He was at the height of his power, wreaking havoc across the mainland, and the Peninsular Wars were in the offing...

UNESCO and the Vredefort Dome

...UNESCO and the Vredefort DomeUNESCO and the Vredefort DomeWhat is the Vredefort Dome?©David FlemingerSo, what is the Vredefort Dome and why is it important enough to be declared a World Heritage Site? Well, here’s the deal...

Battlefields Around Vryheid

...Unexpected boggy ground to the southwest delayed the left horn, allowing the British army first to deal exclusively with the right horn...

1921 Becoming the Kruger Park

...1921 Becoming the Kruger Park1921 Becoming the Kruger ParkThe Sabi Stand-OffIt was make or break time for the Sabi Reserve...

Milking of Dairy Cows

...The pre-milking procedure is as follows: use running water to wash and clean the teats and the lower parts of the udder...

Mapungubwe Hill

...Mapungubwe HillMapungubwe HillThe East Coast was BustlingBy the end of the first millennium of the Common Era, the east coast of Africa was bustling...

Mountain Bike Route: Blood River to Rorke's Drift

...Across the river to the left you'll see the new Rorke's Drift Hotel, and the Rorke's Drift battle site and museum complex is reached a few hundred metres up and over the hill...

Estcourt History

...Estcourt HistoryEstcourt HistoryFort DurnfordIn the days of the first European explorers and settlers in South Africa, the road to the north of the country was simply a rough wagon track...

History of the Blyde River

...In a wonderful demonstration of the literal-minded nature of the trekkers, the river they were fording at the time of the reunion was named the Blyde (Joy)...

Gamkaskloof: Die Hel of the Swartberg

...First, the Boer commander, Denys Reitz, stumbled into the valley around the turn of the 20th century, while hiding from a British force during the Anglo-Boer War...

Mapungubwe Basic Facts

...The capital at Mapungubwe Hill was the largest and wealthiest. The king lived in splendid isolation on top, while his people lived on the terraces around the foot of the hill...

Grapevine Training

...As soon as the primary shoot grew about 30 cm above the cordon wire, the shoot is topped at the first internode, just above the cordon wire. This stop of upward growth will cause branch shoots to evolve from the upper part of the primary shoot...

Fertilizer Mixtures Explained

...The fertilizers are formulated into different mixtures of these three macronutrients and are identified by the three numbers marked on the bags of fertilizer denoting the NPK makeup of the fertilizer and the ratio of their value in the mixture...

Soccer in South Africa

...The fanbase of SA soccer is quite amazing and the game is taken very seriously. It's hard not to get into the spirit of the game...

The Sobantu Floods of September 1987

...When the rushing waters met at the confluence of the two rivers, the bottleneck forced the muddy waters to push back across the floodplain on which part of Sobantu is built...

East London River Port

...In addition, due to the success of the landing, the river mouth was named Port Rex.  Over the next 10 years the British Government gave up control of the area and no further developments were made to the harbour...

Cape Town Hosts the South African Museum

...The planetarium is adjacent to the main museum building and charges a separate admission fee. All the museums in Cape Town are run under the auspices of the Iziko Organisation...

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