Scenery at Bontebok National Park

A Little History

The Bontebok National Park, a beautiful piece of South Africa preserved near its original state before man first arrived in Southern Africa. It is fronted by the expanse of the Breede River with the steep peaks of the Langeberg Mountains towering above. This national park provides a sanctuary for the Bontebok and other game animals, which once freely roamed this area.

©Jean Tresfon
N2 Bridge over Breede River.

In 1960, the Bontebok National Park was established in Swellendam, the animals from the Bredasdorp sanctuary were translocated to an area better suited to their needs. According to old records, Bontebok used to be a plenty here, and so they had found their ideal home here. Also in the national park are Duiker, Grey rhebok, Steenbok and Grysbok, as they were already living in this location. The National Parks Board also reintroduced Red hartebeest and Cape mountain zebra to the park, where they now all thrive.

The Bontebok National Park today is an attractive and interesting place, with beautiful aloes flowering in winter and many trees, including Acacia karroo (Sweet thorn), wild olive, milkwood, yellowwood and candlewood. Over 470 plant species have been identified in the park, 190 species of birds and 35 mammalian species. Gravel roads lead motorists to all parts of the park.

Picnic Time

©Jean Tresfon
Steenbok (Raphicerus campestris).

With the Bontebok National Park so easily accessible from Swellendam and the N2 it is well worth a visit for the day. There is a purpose built picnic area right on the banks of the Breede River where you can relax and watch the game grazing as you graze too. This recently upgraded day-visitor facility includes a braai area called “Die Stroom”.

Swimming in the river is permitted as is a small hike around the picnic area, to stretch out your legs. There is also a rest camp for guests wanting to stay overnight, with the option of either staying in a chalet or camping. Perfect for a family get together and braai location for locals and tourists alike.

Activities Permitted

©Jacques Marais
Mountain biking routes in Bontebok National Park.

Self-drive game drives are the norm, and all of the parks roads are made of gravel, which at present, provide two game drive loops. The speed limit in the park is 40 km/hr, with some sections at 20 km/hr, and it is one of the few National Parks in South Africa where motorcycles are allowed. Bring your mountain bike with you too, as there are some bike routes through the Bontebok National Park (route info is available at the park reception office).

There are three nature-hiking trails, that all begin and end at the rest camp and after a hot day of hiking a dip in the Breede River overs some welcome relief. Alternatively, relax on the banks of the river with your fishing rod (permits are necessary which can be purchased at the park reception). No power boats are allowed in the park, but you can skim across the river in your own kayak or canoe for a work out with some fantastic views and wildlife.

With around 200 species of bird life, Bontebok National Park, is an excellent place for some twitching. Tick off your bird list Denham’s Bustard, there are no bird hides here, but the river banks and open landscapes make for some easy bird spotting.

Bontebok National Park

Just outside Swellendam is the Bontebok National Park. This reserve was established in 1931 to protect the once plentiful Bontebok who used ...more