St Francis Bay

Charming Coastal Town

The St Francis area consists of St Francis Bay, Cape St Francis and Oyster Bay. Situated halfway between Port Elizabeth and Knysna, it offers a peaceful tourist getaway in unspoilt surroundings.

©Roger de la Harpe
The picturesque serenity of St Francis Bay beach with the town in the background.

 Port St Francis includes a commercial and recreational harbour, built to host the squid industry freezing vessels. It lies in a sheltered nook of the bay and provides a safe anchorage for boats, pleasure craft, and oceangoing yachts.

On offer is the visual delight of the charming thatched architecture, the picturesque serenity of the seven kilometre residential marina, known as “the Canals”, (an extensive canal system is linked to the Kromme River estuary), the outstanding beauty of the navigable Kromme River and estuary contribute towards the magnificent upmarket village.

Cape St Francis consists of a holiday resort, a mini market, restaurants and pubs. It also has a world class surf reef and point break. It is situated in a small hamlet of St Francis and is a popular holiday destination, especially due to its beautiful stretch of beaches from Seal Point to Shark Point. Seal Point is reputed to be one of the most famous surfing spots.

Activities do not end at water sports however, as there are a number of nature reserves in and around Cape St Francis. They include the Irma Booysen Nature Reserve, Seal Point Nature Reserve, Seal Bay Nature Reserve and Cape St Francis Nature Reserve. The Coastal Fynbos flower in August, making this an optimal time to visit these nature reserves. St Francis Bay’s natural setting with its supply of fresh and salt water, means that there is a variety of bird life as well as wild life. There are also beautiful wild flowers and spectacular hiking trails.

Accommodation in Cape St Francis

Accommodation in Cape St Francis promises a peaceful stay on the beautiful Eastern Cape coast. It is the ideal holiday destination for coupl...more

Activities in St Francis Bay

Get the hang of your kite and become a confident boardrider at the Kromme River Mouth in St Francis Bay. A safe yet sufficiently windy place...more

Floral Kingdom of Cape St Francis

The vegetation type that is located within the St Francis region, is St Francis Fynbos/Thicket Mosaic. This type of vegetation only grows on...more

History of St Francis Bay

St Francis is divided into ‘The Cape’, ‘The Bay’ and ‘The Port’. The name ‘St Francis’ was chosen in honour of the Patron Sa...more

Port St Francis

Port St Francis is one of the few privately owned harbours in South Africa. It is also home to a diversity of restaurants, retail outlets, c...more

St Francis Bay Chokka Trail

The Chokka trail is a 4-day event that covers 58 km in the areas of St Francis Bay, Oyster Bay, Cape St Francis and Port St Francis. Some of...more