Rorke's Drift

Forty six kilometers southeast of Dundee along KwaZulu-Natal’s Battlefields Route is Rorke’s Drift. Named after James Rorke, a ferryman who farmed nearby, Rorke’s Drift is now most well known for the bloody battle between Zulu and British forces that took place there in 1879. 

©Roger de la Harpe
The Buffalo River near Rorke's Drift.

The landscape is majestic, with all the beauty of nature left unspoilt and picture perfect. Visitors can enjoy the tranquility that surrounds the place or pay a visit to the Rorke’s Drift Battle Museum to see models and reenactments of the famous battles fought in the region. Rorke’s Drift is also known for its impressive art run by the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

The church started a project to teach art in small workshops and have since grown to produce artists of international acclaim. They specialise in producing unique tapestries, pottery and silkscreen fabrics.

Famous Battles at Rorke's Drift

You’ve got to empathise with the Zulus – everyone wanted a piece of their lovely land. First the British settlers from Port Natal, then ...more

Mountain Bike Route: Blood River to Rorke's Drift

The first half of the day you head more or less South East, then from Nqutu swing South West to the Nyathi River. When you head out the Bloo...more

Mountain Bike Route: Rorke's Drift to Elandslaagte

Retrace the 5 kilometres back to Rorke's Drift battle site, then swing a left (North West) to ride more or less parallel to and above the fa...more