Oyster Farming in South Africa
Marine Aquaculture in South Africa
In South Africa, only the Pacific oyster is farmed on marine aquaculture farms on the coast of the Northern Cape, Western Cape and Eastern Cape Provinces.
The Pacific oyster is used for oyster farming n South Africa.
An oyster hatchery in the Northern Cape breeds seed oysters, but imported oyster spat is mainly used. Oyster farming in South Africa uses longline systems for grow-out of oysters and supply the majority of oysters as live product to South African markets. South African oysters are also exported to Asia (Hong Kong) and Africa (Zambia).

Pacific oysters, the most widely farmed oyster species, can be produced in land-based, estuary or offshore-based production systems....
Historic methods of oyster farming started with the collection of wild oyster seed and transferring them to production areas....
Long-line culture has become the most common method used for farming oysters in South Africa....
Oysters are filter-feeding bi-valved - double-shelled - water snails or molluscs, with rough and scaly shells, oval to pear-shaped....