Okiep Flowers

Namaqualand Flower Season

Okiep’s treasures are found in nature, with the Namaqualand flower season being the biggest drawcard. The flowers bloom cheerfully along the roadsides and the school kids stroll amiably through the orange fields on their way home. 

©Jacques Marais
The Namaqualand flower season in Okiep is a beautiful burst of colour.

There are beautiful quiver trees within a half hour’s walk from the hotel’s front porch, so pack your hiking boots. There are no specific paths, but the veld is open and it is easy enough to clamber up the koppies. Be sure to take something cool to drink and enjoy the sunset over the Namaqua plains.

The endless plains and koppies around Okiep are made for cycling, with dozens of gravel roads and footpaths to attract mountain bikers. For a quick two hours or so in the saddle, crank north on the Concordia tar road for about 5.5 km, then turn right onto a sandy dual-track.

This route winds between the koppies above Okiep where you will eventually join the pipeline jeep-track. This is not for beginners and you can expect steep descents, sand beds, loose gravel and rocks, plus a few gritty uphills.

By Jacques Marais