Nababeep Attractions

Visit the Mining Museum

©Roger de la Harpe
Copper mine, Nababeep.
©Roger de la Harpe
A copper mine in Nababeep.

The main attraction in Nababeep is the mining museum, an interesting facility with installations on the old copper mines that were once the lifeblood of the region. It also has photographic displays of the siege of Okiep and other documents from the period. A rusting old steam locomotive named Clara, which once plied the narrow-gauge railway between Okiep and Port Nolloth, has pride of place in the courtyard, along with several other bits of mining equipment.

The houses in Nababeep are neat and the hard dry mountains that surround the town are starkly beautiful. There are several eye-catching flower sites in the area, including one great location on the outskirts of town that combines kokerbooms and daisies to create a floral landscape with a uniquely local flavour.

The nearby country club and golf course have been known to boast some truly overwhelming flower displays.

Schaap River Canyon Biking

©Jacques Marais
Biking through the scenic landscape of Nababeep, Namaqualand.

Close to the town of Nababeep, you’ll find the Schaap River Canyon mountain biking trail, with your destination being the Jakkalswater Guest Farm. Crank onto a little piece of single-track meandering along the valley into Nababeep itself (3 km).

Zig-zag through this sleepy town along any given footpath, continuing west in the direction of Kleinzee. You’ll spot a dirt road climb bordering on ridiculousness and, of course, this is where you turn right (4 km). Even though this is a public road, the Schaap River Conservancy have put up an access gate to limit vehicle access; lift your bike over the gate (7 km) if it is locked.

Keep it tidy in the gravelly corners as you can easily slide out in the loose stuff. Around the 10 km mark there’s a slight hill before you bang back into the descent. You reach the concrete bridge over the Schaap River after 20 km; take time out to wander down into the canyon along the slip road before heading back.