Mussel Farming in South Africa
Marine Aquaculture in South Africa
Mussel farming in South Africa is based on two mussel species, the indigenous black mussel and the exotic Mediterranean mussel.
Black mussel farming is a big industry in South Africa, producing a nutritious high-protein source of seafood.
This industry contributes about 50% to South Africa’s marine aquaculture production and is based in Saldanha Bay on the West Coast of the Western Cape.
South Africa exports mussels mainly to other African countries such as Namibia (50%) and Mauritius (20%) and imports mussels mainly from China.

The term ‘mussels’, refers to both freshwater and seawater bivalve molluscs - double-shelled snails - which filter-feed on algae from th...
Mussels are commercially farmed in Saldanha Bay on the West Coast of South Africa, an area known for nutrient-rich seawater in a naturally s...
Mussel products from South Africa include whole live mussels, half-shell mussels, mussel meat and a variety of processed mussels such as cru...
A feasibility study ‘Oyster and Mussels Aquaculture in South Africa’, prepared by Advance Africa Management Services for the Department ...