A Nature Lover's Paradise

©Jacques Marais
Nature lover's can enjoy the picturesque little town of Memel.
©Jacques Marais
Church in Memel.

Memel means ‘a place surrounded by waters’ in old Prussian, and this pristine little dorp can hardly have a more appropriate name. The small town in the Free State is very close to the border of Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal province.

It is a nature lover's paradise of note, and its location right in the centre of a spectacular, internationally recognised RAMSAR Wetlands site - the Seekoeivlei Nature Reserve on the Klip River - lures birders from around the globe to this Free State dorpie. 

The nearby presence of the Drakensberg Mountains (only 25 km away), unparalleled star-gazing and the ecological drawcard of the magnificent Seekoeivlei Nature Reserve have attracted an eclectic crowd. Many artists, photographers and musicians have down-scaled to Memel to revel in this haven of tranquillity.

Abundant water means the grass in Memel can grow over 2 m tall - higher than a man’s head - and this was one of the key reasons for early settlement. The Dutch Reformed Church stands tall in the town, which was built in the early 20th century.

Things to Do in Memel

A must-do on your mountain-biking list should be the dual-track exploration in the Seekoeivlei Nature Reserve. Search for almost mythical gr...more