Membership of SA Milch Goat Breeders Society

©Chris Daly

The SA Milch Goat Breeders’ Society consists of a dedicated council, as well as 25 members who are milk goat breeders and farmers.

The SA Milch Goat Breeders’ Society council is made up of a president, who is in charge of the year program, finances, breed standard statistics, regional shows and any office matters. The vice president works will all sponsors, social media management, import and export sales, information days and symposiums. 

Another portfolio organises the annual national milk goat breed show, and is in charge of auctions, regional shows and any export issues while the training portfolio arranges training courses, as well as appraisers and judges courses. The last portfolio handles all communication and marketing-related work, as well as promotions and advertising. The committee prides itself on delivering accurate information and guidance to young milk goat farmers, and the upkeep of breeder and marketing relationships. 

There are currently 25 members of SA Milch Goat Breeders’ Society, which includes farmers, breeders, sales representatives and dairies. If you are interested to register as a goat breeder, all information on membership applications and fees is available on the society’s website. Administrative documents are available to all stakeholders of the milk goat farming industry as well, and focuses on the society’s constitution, registration fees and participation applications.

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