Hottentots Holland Nature Reserve

©Roger de la Harpe
Aerial view from above the vast expanse of the Hottentots Holland Nature Reserve, towards False Bay, Western Cape.
©Shem Compion

The Hottentots Holland Nature Reserve is home to various plants and animals, including 1300 fynbos species, grey rhebok, klipspringer, duiker and grysbok.

The scenic landscape offers a variety of activities which includes hiking, mountain biking and many opportunities for nature photography.

The Hottentots Holland Mountains are a mountain range that stretches across the Western Cape and the Cape Peninsula, all the way to the ocean.

Mountains of Africa

The Hottentots Holland Mountains were the first mountains that blocked the way for European settlers interested in exploring the interior of Southern Africa.

The curious name of 'Hottentots Holland' is said to have been coined by scouts sent out by Jan van Riebeeck to explore the land east of Table Bay.

After crossing the daunting Cape sand flats, these scouts came into a beautiful valley at the foot of some mountains.

Here they found hundreds of Khoi (Hottentots) congregated on the banks of the Eersterivier, so they called it the Hottentot's 'Holland', or home.

Earlier, van Riebeeck had named the range the 'Mountains of Africa' a name I would have preferred to have had preserved.

Hottentots Holland - Mountain Flora

The Hottentots Holland Mountains, which separates the Peninsula from the immediate hinterland, contains perhaps the world's richest flora, w...more