History of the Karoo

At the same time that the reptiles were creeping out into the evolutionary sunshine, the Karoo Supergroup started forming. It would eventually cover two thirds of South Africa, and representative Karoo rocks can be found in most Sub-Saharan countries.

©Chris Daly
Rugged mountains and scenic landscape views over the Karoo.

They can also be found in South America, Antarctica, India and Australia. The Karoo Supergroup covered a turbulent time in the planet’s history and deserves to be described in detail.

Along with the formation of the Great Karoo, early adventures and explorers started uncovering the secrets of the region around the 1700s. Great explorers to have visited the area include botanist Karl Thunberg, builder Andrew Geddes Bain and Cape Governor Simon van der Stel.

Formation of the Karoo

Some 280 million years ago South Africa was emerging from the grip of the great Permian ice age. As the ice-sheets retreated the climate bec...more

Historic Karoo Towns

Colesberg is situated in the Upper Karoo and is an iconic Karoo town, surrounded by tranquillity and the famous mystical Karoo essence. The ...more

Karoo Exploration

In 1685, Governor Simon van der Stel set out with an expedition from the Castle in Cape Town into the dry northern regions, in search of the...more

The Karoo Supergroup

The lowest layer of the Karoo Supergroup is called Dwyka Tillite. Tillite is a motley collection of debris that is left behind when a glacie...more