Groot Winterhoek Wilderness Area

Outstanding Natural Beauty

The Groot Winterhoek Mountains stretch north, towering above the villages of Gouda, Saron and Porterville, rising up to 2,000 metres above sea level, boasting many rock pools and protecting endangered mountain fynbos and wildlife.

©Jacques Marais
Groot Winterhoek Mountains.

Over millennia, the elements have carved exceptional rock formations in the Table Mountain sandstone that characterises the area, creating a place of outstanding natural beauty and wonderful views.

By Jacques Marais

Groot Winterhoek Peak

So impressive is the towering Groot Winterhoek peak that, until 1892 when the Hex River's Matroosberg was measured at 2 249 metres, it was b...more

Groot Winterhoek Wilderness Adventures

The kloofing route from Die Hel to De Hoek is a one-way affair down the river, combining hiking, leaping off high cliffs into deep pools and...more

Groot Winterhoek Wilderness Region

The most impressive aspect of the rugged Groot-Winterhoek range is its abundance of flowering plants. Game and birdlife in the Groot-Winterh...more

Kloofing in Die Hel

Call it canyoning or kloofing or river-running or whatever you want. Jacques Marais bashed his way down the Twenty-four Rivers gorge and he ...more