Extraordinary Ndumo Game Reserve

Oldest and Most Scenic

In northern Maputaland, an extraordinary game reserve lies tucked into the northeast corner of KwaZulu-Natal, snug against Swaziland and Mozambique.

©Roger de la Harpe
Sycamore Fig Tree (Ficus sycomorus). Ndumo Game Reserve.

Ndumo, one of South Africa’s oldest and most scenic parks, boasts magnificent birdlife calling the beautiful pans, yellow fever trees, extensive wetlands and savanna their home.

Activities and Diversity

©Roger de la Harpe
Burchell's Coucal (Centropus burchellii). Ndumo Game Reserve.

Ndumo offers various 4x4 trails. The Mtikini route is an extremely scenic and wild drive, though not very challenging. The sycamore fig and fever tree forests are simply breathtaking and the lookout point and picnic site at Red Cliffs are perfect for a break. Ndumo Game Reserve is renowned for a bird list in excess of 400 species.

The habitat is diverse, consisting of a variety of deciduous woodland types, sand forest, riverine gallery forest, grassland and permanent rivers and pans. The area around the hutted camp supports a wide range of woodland birds, including green-capped eremomela and red-billed helmetshrike.

The Nyamiti Pan drive is particularly rewarding for water birds, check the fever trees fringing the pan for sooty falcons. An early-morning bird walk from camp with a trained guide is highly recommended.

By Jacques Marais