
Dramatic Backdrops

There is something about most humans - and it must be genetic - that makes them want to gather where the most amount of other (noisy) people gather. If you are a gatherer, then you might as well do it somewhere spectacular, and there is no beach more spectacular than Clifton.

©Jean Tresfon
Aerial view of Clifton Beach and Lion's Head.

The sand is chalk-white and so clean it squeaks when you walk on it. As far as dramatic backdrops go, Lion's Head is arguably better even than Rio's iconic Sugarloaf, and the sea is achingly aquamarine. It's also achingly cold for most of the summer, but the beautiful people of Cape Town don't care; on this beach is exactly where you'll find them on any summer's day.

An added bonus is that when the wind howls, as it is wont for most of the summer, it does not blow at Clifton. But don't go there if you are not at least somewhat in shape, or you'll think you've landed on Planet Beautiful People and you will feel dreadfully inadequate.

Clifton is one of the city's most fashionable suburbs, with luxurious apartments and penthouses hugging the mountain slopes. Originally known as Schoenmakersgat, after a shoemaker who lived in a cave, it was later renamed Clifton-on-Sea after a resort in the United Kingdom. Still later it came to be known simply as Clifton.

Clifton on a Sizzling Summer Day

There can be no more famous beach in Africa than Clifton. It’s synonymous with petite bikinis, lithe lifesavers and an ethos of fashionabl...more

Endless Sunsets at Clifton

With unimpeded sea views to the West, the endless sunsets of Clifton are justifiably famous. While at first glance the suburbs of Bantry Bay...more