Braunvieh SA Origin

©Braunvieh SA

The Braunvieh is one of the oldest pure breeds internationally, with records dating as far back as 800 BC. The breed originated in the Alps of Switzerland, from where it was exported to other countries since about 1897.

Performance testing of these animals is nothing new, as they have been subjected to these tests for over 850 years, according to Braunvieh SA. Documentation also exists that Muri Monks from the order of Saint Benedict near Basle in Switzerland, have been using selective breeding and keeping record of these animals since 1150 AC. 

Their goal was to produce a well-balanced, fast-growing, early mature animal with a deep and long body, well developed muscling and not too much fat. The cattle were scored out of a hundred on these qualities, with those that scored less than eighty out of a hundred being excluded from future breeding programmes. 

According to Braunvieh SA, its origin in the Alps has led to it having a higher red blood count than other breeds, allowing it to easily adapt to a variety of circumstances from extreme cold to extreme heat. It is also remarkable as it is one of the few cattle that can be milked and still produce calves that fetch good prices at the auction ring.

Braunvieh Cattle

The Braunvieh, named after the brown colour of its coats, is one of the oldest and purest cattle breeds and part of beef production in South...more