Enchanting Farming Town

Bethulie is a quaint and small town in the Free State province, well-known for sheep and cattle farming. It was built around a mission station in the early 1800s, and its name means ‘chosen by God’. It is also the oldest settler community in the Free State, and offers lots of historic and cultural charm.

©Roger de la Harpe
Visiting Bethulie, you will spot wheat farms, wind mills and beautiful natural scenery.

Bethulie is located near the Gariep dam, which allows surrounding farms access to water for various agricultural practices, including maize and wheat, and as mentioned above, sheep and cattle. The town is a delightful stopover for holidaymakers who want to experience local charm, history and modern amenities all wrapped into one enchanting little town.

Gariep Dam near Bethulie

The Gariep Dam is situated quite close to the charming little town of Bethulie, which makes it the perfect stopover for holiday makers wanti...more

History of Bethulie

The area of Bethulie was first inhabited by the Bushmen several thousands of years ago. Their drawings can still be seen on some rocky hills...more