Activities at Mountain Mist Nature Reserve

Go Hike

There are several short hikes and strolls. An easy walk from the cabins leads to easily accessible, unspoiled San paintings. For the more active there is a hike down to a wild olive grove where some of the trees are estimated to be hundreds of years old.
©Jacques Marais

Go Birding

The Mountain Mist Nature Reserve area is a bird lover’s paradise and renowned for the number of inland, sea and marsh birds and, thanks to its setting at nearly 1,000 m above sea level, it also provides a unique opportunity for mountain-top birding. 

©Ann Gadd
Pelican in the Berg River estuary, near Mountain Mist Nature Reserve.

Some of the rarities include the Freckled Nightjar, Sentinel Rock Thrush, Cape Rock Thrush, Protea Seedeater, Ground Woodpecker and Cape Siskin, while the Berg River estuary, only an hour’s drive away, offers great estuarine birding.

Go Mountain Biking

Although some technical riding options abound on the plateau, most of the mountain biking trails are easy cruises along a network of gravel roads. The real test, however, is the 15 km downhill from Mountain Mist to Aurora, so plug into gravity along sets of switchbacks carving along the fynbos slope. But remember, what goes down must come back up.
©Chris Daly
Sunset over the Swartland.
By Jacques Marais

Mountain Mist Private Nature Reserve

The Mountain Mist Private Nature Reserve perches at a lofty 1,000 m above the village of Aurora, a tranquil, unspoiled Sandveld village nest...more