The Farming Centre

©Roger de la Harpe
The Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk, Neilersdrift, Keimoes.
©Roger de la Harpe
The iconic and historical water wheel, still in use at Keimoes.
©Roger de la Harpe
View over Keimoes farmlands.

Keimoes lies on the northern bank of the Gariep (Orange) River in a contrasting setting of semi-desert and the lush green ribbon along the river. 

Klaas Lucas, one of the leaders of the river people, established the village and named it Keimoes, which means mouse nest, on account of the colonies of mice found living on the site in twig nests. Another meaning of the name could be translated as 'large eye', which could be a reference to the spring around which the town developed.

The modern town is a farming centre. In the town's main street is a historic watermill that is still used to irrigate the farmlands along the river. The Dutch Reformed Church in Keimoes was built in 1889 by Revered Schroeder.

Overlooking the town is Tierberg (Tiger Mountain), which is the highest point in the area. The Tierberg Nature Reserve, 5 km southeast of the town, offers expansive views over the patchwork of irrigated fields along the Gariep River and the Orange River valley. Centred on a hill, the reserve protects a variety of succulents and a large population of the Orange River aloe, which usually flowers in July and August. It is also home to several species of antelope and a range of indigenous flora.

Kokerboom Food and Wine Route

The Kokerboom Food and Wine Route embraces the towns and settlements of Keimoes, Kanoneiland, Kenhardt, Augrabies, Upington and Marchand. Th...more

Visit Keimoes

Many tourists travel through Keimoes en-route to and from Gauteng and Cape Town, as well as those on the Kokerboom Food and Wine Route. The ...more