Thandokuhle Motha
Swati Translator

Thandokuhle Motha is a 23-year-old male currently serving articles as a Candidate Attorney at a law firm based in Johannesburg. He completed my LLB degree at the university of KwaZulu Natal in 2015.

He is passionate about contributing positively to his community, by being available to assist where he has the required skills. That is why back in his varsity days, he dedicated himself to be a tutor for high school learners and 1st year students at university. In Thandokuhle’s spare time he enjoys reading and watching soccer.


Thandokuhle umfana loneminyaka lamashumi lamabili nakutsatfu, kwamanje ngisebenta eJozi ngiceceshelwa kuba ngummeli kulenye wenkampane tebameli. Ngitfweswe timendlela teLLB enyuvesi yaKwaZulu Natal nga 2015. Ngiyatsandza kufaka sandla ekuphumeleleni kwemphakatsi. Loku ngikwenta ngekusebentisa likhono lami lapho lidzingeka khona.

Ngesikhatsi sami ngisese nyuvesi, bengisita kufundzisa bantfwana besikola nebantfwana labafikako enyuvesi. Nanginesikhatsi ngitsandza kufundza phindze ngibukele ibhola.