Nchema Rapoo
Tswana Translator

Nchema Rapoo hails from a mining village of Luka in Rustenburg, Nchema is obsessed with the correct use of the Setswana language. He is currently an electronics technician and is also involved in community service and is a part time book reviewer and vinyl record collector.

Tswana Nchema Rapoo, o tswa kwa motseng wa moepo o o bidiwang Luka kwa Rustenburg. O boulela ka tiriso e e tlhapileng ya loleme lwa Setswana. Ga jaana o dira jaaka electronics technician mme gape o tsaya seabe mo bodireding setšhaba, gape ke mosobokanyi wa nakwana wa dibuka le mokokoanyi wa direkoto tsa mmino.