Oops your transaction did not go through

Your payment could not be processed at this time. You might not be registered for 3D-Secure or there might be an international security block on your credit card. This can normally be resolved by you contacting your bank.

Registering for 3D-Secure

If your credit card is not already registered for 3D-Secure you will need to activate your MasterCard/Visa credit card with your bank before making an online payment through our 3D-Secure Online Payment Platform. 3D-Secure is also known as MasterCard Secure or Verified by Visa.

After you register, you can use the security code for all your online transactions. If you are still experiencing problems after you have retried, please contact our accounts department via e-mail - accounts@siyabona.com - or contact us telephonically +27 21 481 2880
