
Bisho means 'Buffalo' in Xhosa, and is the capital of the Eastern Cape, but seems to be dominated by the nearby King William's Town. The towns are virtually one, with King William's Town situated only a few kilometres away. Bisho was named after the song by Ben Tyazashe, who wrote of his longing for his home, Bisho, his name for King William's Town.

Bisho and King Williams Town.

Bisho (also known as Bhisho) is situated just 3 km from King William's Town and its major structures include government buildings, a hotel and casino complex, a branch of the University of Fort Hare, and a sports stadium. The nearest airport is situated 56 km away in East London.

Hiking is excellent in Bisho in the Amatola Mountains, covered by age old forests. Bisho lies to the east of King William's Town. It was built by the South African government as the capital of the Ciskei homeland after the apartheid government refused to incorporate King William's Town into the Ciskei, which became 'independent' in 1982. Following the reintegration of Ciskei into South Africa in 1994, Bisho became the capital of the Eastern Cape Province.

South African Holidays in Eastern Cape

Bhisho is the capital city of the Eastern Cape, with other major cities being Port Elizabeth and East London .The Eastern Cape is the tradit...more