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Real Life Story: Wife of a Migrant Worker

...’ Throughout the history of gold miners trekking to the Reef from Lesotho, miners’ wives have found themselves on the muzzle end of a horrendous Russian roulette: to benefit from being on the receiving end of the remittance system, and the..

Peanuts (Groundnuts)

...   India and the United States are the biggest exporters, with China, Argentina and the Netherlands also exporting large volumes.Peanut Production History in South AfricaGroundnuts (peanuts) came into South Africa with Portuguese seafarers..

Real Life Story: The Last Dinner Together

...Remittances in cash and kind keep poverty at bay but they do not do much else. There is very little evidence, as yet, that remittances in Southern Africa have developmental value, as conventionally defined...

Umsebenzi ka Archbishop Desmond Tutu Emva ko Calu-calulo

...Ngomnyaka ka 2004 wabonakala kwimveliso yase Off-Broadway, ebizwa nge Honor Bound to Defend Freedom, nalapho wayegxeka uhrulumente wase Melika ngokugcina amabanjwa kwindawo yase Guantanamo Bay...

Karoganyo ya Bong ka Setšhabeng sa Bapedi

...Kgošanakgolo e be e setše thomile go romela dihlopha tša bafsa go šoma bjalo ka bašomi ba bafaladi ka Kapa, Delagoa Bay le ka mašemong a ditaemane ka Kapa Leboa...

Majestic Table Mountain

...rsquo;s Peak is dramatic, with sheer cliff faces on your right and steep trail dops to the left and requires immense concentration, which is difficult if one is trying to take in the glorious panoramic view of Table Mountain, Devil's Peak, Table Bay..

Pretoria Boys' Development

...Although the loss of the old hall, so much a part of the school's history and beloved by Old Boys, staff and pupils, was regretted, it could no longer accommodate the school, nor could it provide the modern amenities demanded of a leading educational..

Further Exploring the Ivory Route in Limpopo

...up a tree devouring an impala.Ancient Tales of Ivory©Roger de la HarpeAfrican bush elephant with calf, and Common eland in the background.Apart from the game excitement we also stopped at Letaba Camp Elephant Hall Museum to learn about pachyderm history..

Rooibos: An African Climate Story

...Although natural drought cycles are written into the farm's history, this one is bad, and it's a harbinger of things to come...

Soybean Production

...South Africa is the biggest soybean producer in Africa.Production History of Soybeans in South Africa©Gawie de BeerSoybeans are produced as a rotational crop in the summer rainfall areas of South Africa.The first soybean trials in South Africa were..

Go Gola Motsegolo wa Mapungubwe

...Le ge go le bjalo, ka ntle le bokgethwa bja tlhago ya sebo se, e be e sa kgethwa go boloka hlaselo ya ditšhaba tša mo Bay...

Retailers Donating Leftover Food

...The steaming fare is still fit for consumption, but by the close of shop each day all this food is bundled into clear plastic bags, which are knotted closed and tossed into a skip in the loading bay at the back of the store with bags of stale bakery goods..

Kloofing in Die Hel

...Again the fishing doesn't disappoint and we settle down to tuck into fresh trout and a beast of a bass, prepared with pesto and an eclectic mix of fart-inducing leftovers on the side...

Transitioning to Cheap, Fatty Foods

...‘South Africa is one of the most successful markets in McDonald’s international history,’ crows the McDonald’s South Africa website...

Vhubvo ha MaTsonga

...Vha tshi khou shumisa mmbi ine ya vha uri yo phadalala, vha tanḓavhudza maanda avho kha vhupo ha tsini na mulambo wa Zambezi na Dalagoa Bay...

Mehola le go Ditšhomišo tša Ditlokwane

...Ditlolwane tše dingwe di tumišwa ka katlego kgahlanong le kankere ke mehuta ya Agaricus (tlolwane ye botsothwa le ya konope), tlolwane ya lešoka - bay bolete, enoki, ditlolwane tša Lactarius (‘dikepisi tša maswi..

The Prince Edward Islands

...They later became the Prince Edward Islands, with the larger called Marion and the smaller Prince Edward, but much of the Southern Ocean's history was eclipsed by the excitement of Antarctic polar exploration...

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

...Nelson Rolihlahla MandelaNelson Rolihlahla MandelaNelson Rolihlahla (Madiba) MandelaNelson Rolihlahla (Madiba) Mandela is an amazing man who changed history in South Africa and brought democracy to the nation...

A Glimpse of Cape Malay Culture

...Zany's sister, Shereen, has a thorough knowledge of the history of the Bo-Kaap and takes groups on daily tours around the region. On your tour, you may find yourself surprised by the number of pigeons...

The Art of Swaziland

...It is a country rich in culture and steeped in fascinating history. According to tradition, the original followers of the present Dlamini royal house of the Swazi nation migrated south before the 16th century to what is now Mozambique...

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